Randy Davila is a publisher, author, and event creator in the self-help and transformational field committed to fostering positive change in the world through impactful books and inspiring events.
In 2007, Randy founded Hierophant Publishing. Historically, a hierophant was a priest or priestess in ancient Greece, an interpreter of mystery religions. Hierophant Publishing aims to publish books born from silence, with the vision of awakening the "inner hierophant" in each of us.
Three years later, in 2010, Randy launched Insight Events USA. The word "Insight" here reflects the Buddhist concept of Prajna, a type of wisdom that can only be understood through direct experience. Insight Events USA is dedicated to creating experiences that empower attendees to explore their true potential and connect with their inner wisdom.
Over the years, Randy has produced events with celebrated presenters, including:

Randy's passion for transformative content has touched many, with his work in publishing and events inspiring personal growth and awakening. His depth of knowledge and dedication make him a respected figure in the publishing and self-help industries.
As an author, Randy has written two books:

Randy graduated with distinction from the Classics, Philosophy, and Religion department at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia, where he co-founded and wrote for the award-winning publication The Free Press. His spiritual short stories have received the Place of Peace award, and his favorite spiritual teachers are Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Today, Randy resides in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife Rachel, daughters Mia and Charlie, son Marshall, and their dog Teddy. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys meditating, fishing, and coaching his son’s flag football team.